Customer Service FAQs What does Lot 20 mean and how do I comply?

What does Lot 20 mean and how do I comply?

New Ecodesign legislation from the EU 2015/1188 (otherwise known as Lot 20) means that re-sellers and installers of electric space heaters will need to be sure that the heaters they are selling or installing comply with Lot 20 from 1 January 2018.

Heaters that fail to comply will not be able to be supplied or installed in EU member states, so it is vital for re-sellers and installers to be aware of the new legislation.

The EU commission has recognised for a number of years that local space heating represents a high proportion of energy usage and therefore is a key area for carbon emission reductions.  The new legislation is designed to reduce energy consumption. For electric space heaters, this will be achieved by only permitting their use when operated by advanced controls, improving their effective use and minimising wasted energy.

Herschel Infrared heaters together with either the Herschel iQ or XLS controls are fully compliant with EC Directive 2009/125/EC for Ecodesign of local space heaters.  Herschel outlines that these iQ features not only make the product set Lot 20 compliant, but also best in class.